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>50 post
>none about OPs suggestions.
This actually helps Regi with some recovery and moderately shuts down the stealth rocks game. bretty gud
>cementiate: Doesn't help its abymal speed and lack of recovery, but being able to get Rock type return with 100% accuracy and Rock explosion would definitely help it wreck shop in lower tiers. Wild card that could hard counter Bravest Bird
>heatproof regice
Thematically good and helps regice with survivability give its massive bulk. Better than the ice body
>Filter Regice
Meh, doesn't really help much or make sense.
>Puriflied water
Nothing gamebreaking, but does give suicune some new tools. Basically freeze dry for poison types.
>Forgetten eye
sweepers worst nightmare.
>emotional rise
So basically just a different status Dark void. Not sure if I like it.
Neat but seems like it'd only be so useful.
>Crush grip + leech seed
It'd definitely help with Regi's survival in lasting long enough to get past slow start. Crush grips just an unavoidable seismic toss, not bad
>Mirage Fire + Burn blast
So basically setting it up to have solar beam, sky attack, burn blast, and sky drop be 1 turn moves right? Seems like it could be a little broken.
>Mirage Freeze: This actually is a pretty good idea. Articuno is one of the bulkiest pokemon there is, it's typing just cripples it.
>Magic Guard: Frees it from status and Stealth Rocks. Honestly makes it much more viable given its bulk.
>Mirage Thunder: Surprised to say, this actually isn't that OP of an ability. Just makes all electric attacks into flame burst.
>Fairy Cresselia: Fuck off. I don't want more fairies. The Moon has nothing to do with Faries.