>>52646881>>52647017Yes and no. You're not actually forced to restart once you take a certain number of losses, it just gets harder after you've lost a bunch. GXE is basically a measure of how likely you are to beat a random ladder player: obviously it goes up when you win, down when you lose. On top of that, the requirements make you play a minimum number of games dependent on how high your GXE is: if you finish 30 games and have 84% or better GXE, you're done, but if you can't break 80%, you have to play at least 50. So if you lose a bunch early, you're going to have to play more games, and probably against better players as you climb the ladder for longer. This is why people recommend starting a new alt and trying again if you take a bunch of unlucky early losses: might as well take as many free wins in the easy part of the ladder as you can.
But nobody's forcing you to stop if you lose a bunch. Pic related, this person got reqs for the last test.