>>13297164>>13297194Elaborate response from
>>13297925incoming, because I need to write something to wake me up.
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Before I delve into status quo defending that will likely require a constant privilege check for the next 24 hours, I'll state the following:
>Out of all the community-suggested tweaks to Ralts family, giving Gallade an even gender ratio by allowing female Kirlias to evolve into one is one of the easiest - if not THE easiest - changes that -in addition- will cause no backwards compatibility conflicts. -Therefore: if GF concludes that genderlocked evos were a bullshit concept, then there is a good chance that the era of 'sexism' in Gallade will end.
-A hideously cis-scummed defense of something not meant to be defended:
>for all technical purposes, Gallade is essentially a more physical-oriented 'Gardevoir' with only differences being: swapped values for special and physical attack with amount of stat points being the same, immanent psychic/fairy attacks traded for a few slashes and punches. His design doesn't walk away too far from his parallel - you can instantly guess what family he is a part of by a single glance (try that with Bellosom, Politoed, Froslass, Huntail and Gorebyss). In addition, sexism stems from unequal treatment that society puts on a gender based on perceived incapabilities/inner potential/differences. The primary base for derived gender misconceptions is USED to fuel sexism and unequal treatment of gender - rather than such strictly structural and superficial base being sexist by itself. Besides, I don't recall there being anything officially implied that in their dealings with original Ralts family Gallades use their male-only 'advantage' to establish patriarchal hell. If anything, GF and related Pokemon media have yet to show even a single instance of this pokemon interacting with his evo family.
-end of BS rant-