Firestone Hammer##smokerbutts
Firestone's Quality Pokeballs
Welcome once again, dear trainers, to Firestone's Pokeball workshop where you can order a custom pokeball or Apricorn container today! I am Hammer, the pokeball blacksmith, trained in the ancient ways of pokeball forging from apricorns, combining it with modern day techniques to bring you the highest quality capturing tools. Choose from 8 awesome base pokeball styles!
>How does it work?The process is simple! Read the rules to the right, then give me a detailed description of the pokeball you want, and I'll craft it for you. You can customize colors, patterns, even details right down to the ring or buttons.
>Where can I go to see if my pokeball got made? go to the link above to see the entire archive of pokeballs made so far. Yours will appear there when it's completed. You can also request I post a ball that's already been made, or see the backlogs.
~~~*Tipping and Special Features (Release Effects!)*~~~
I do requests for free, mostly as practice for my graphic design but I will accept tips.
Currently, I accept tips in the form of pokemon trades for X & Y/ORAS
Use the friend code below and offer yours as well.
>Please use this friend code 1607 - 4294 - 3879
>So why bother tipping?There's a couple things you get for offering a decent tip
*Your request will jump to the front of the line, roughly in the order received
*You are entitled to more complex designs, and I'll be more willing to alter some of the structure of the ball itself. You can also choose the special "Keepsake" or "Madness" style ball.
*As an added BONUS, I'll also offer this special addition called "Release Effects." It will be an extra image detailing the kind of effects that pour out of the ball when it's thrown and opened, customized to your liking.
Get your order today!
Currently seeking: Rotom, Ditto, Honedge, Solosis, Combee(female), Dratini, Engima Berry, Starf Berry.