So basically, after entering the first forest, you find that there are these corrupted Leukoon running around, and everyone is running away out of fear. After navigating around for a while, you find out that Leukoon are the guardians of the forest, and that the evil team has invaded.
Basically one of the eight
Veiled Pebbles is being kept in the forest, guarded by a large tree in the center, but the Leukoon otherwise make it near impossible to actually access. So using a swarm of infected Mosquito Pokemon, the evil team has essentially infected the forest with AIDS.
You team up with Pokemon ranger
Magic Johnson to defeat all of the infected Leukoon, so they ecosystem can be returned to normal. By then, the evil team has already made off with the
first Veiled Pebble (there would be eight: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, and white, which each symbolize a different note on an octave. Later in the plot, it is revealed that those who collect all of them can use them as keystones to unlock the door to El Dorado.
Leukoon's Corrupted (AIDS) form would be a fast, frail physical attacker, the exact opposite of regular Leukoon. Also, the corrupted form would occasionally show up on evil team grunts' teams later in the story. The sprite is a WIP.
You retrieve the
Veiled Pebble later in the game, from one of the admins, at the first evil team base after battling them.