>>33217230You seem to just be pitching a "I happen to like things the VAST majority of people dislike or at least agree on the negative, can I have attention?" There isnt a point to your argument to be honest, and im left assuming youre on the autism spectrum as everytime someone on this board has gone on and on about nothing it eventually comes out that theyre autistic.
The story is hamfisted, childish, and annoying to have in the forefront of the game, ESPECIALLY when thats being done through constant dialogue and cutscenes. Its ludicrous.
The characters arent characters in pokemon games. The fandom makes them fleshed out enough, but its silly to assert that any individual in the game has anything but the flattest and most one dimension characterization. It isnt what you need to put at the forefront of your exploration and monster hunting game. I LOVED it when I felt like no one knew where I was in a pokemon game. Like I was actually out and about in the wilderness with only my trusty companions to see me through. Consistently and aggressively cutting from this to have a character pop up or the childish plot get shoved back into focus ruins that and makes me feel like im being led through a daycare play. This leads me to the whole fucking reason I play, which is the atmosphere. All I do in pokemon is settle in and get comfy. The music, the mons, the atmosphere of adventure and the unknown beyond that completely consumed my youth and left lasting changes on my tastes and personalities (Im a watershed management major and park ranger, not unlikely because of pokemon) is downright joyous to navigate.
The newer games dont focus on atmosphere at ALL. They never leave the young child adventurer alone to experience the world and its atmosphere without taking him or her by the hand and telling them whats around them and how they should be feeling and WOWEE PUMPKIN DIDJA SEE THAT EVENT OVER THERE?!
This was a change that started with White and Black