>>33022335SM does have better animation.
>these poorly drawn characters take less time to animate therefore they are better compared to the ones that are actually on modelYeah, you could put it that way if you want to be absolutely retarded. They made a tradeoff, as many series do, between intricate lineart/on-model characters and expressiveness/movement. This doesn't signal laziness any more than the mostly rigid, static animation of past Pokémon series does -- it just signals a difference in priority. These characters are more simply designed so they can be animated more regularly than the characters in past series.
>overexaggeration of character movement isn't goodI'm not totally sure what you mean by this -- one of the biggest things animation has going for it compared to other audio-visual media is the ability to exaggerate movement -- this is why animation is so affective.
>XY already beat it out when it came to fluidityThen why'd you post a video mostly made up of characters awkwardly jerking from one pose to the next? XY's animation isn't really all that fluid -- the rigidity of the animation is mostly masked by all the retarded, disorienting camera movements and the speed at which things are taking place.
In any case, to pretend this fight scene is indicative of XY on the whole is ridiculous -- XY, like most anime series, is mostly made of totally still shots (maybe with some panning or simple movements) interrupted by short bursts of "actual" animation.