>>24884716I don't want to insult you more so you can feel encouraged and justified to kill yourself.
>>24884731I have the same problem too and I'm covering my mistake. I'm being given many chances to squander too. I'm making up work right now and going to the therapist to keep me going and in check. Yeah your mistake can hurt you somewhere in the long run, but you can accomplish better in the long run so it can be good by the end. There has to be someone to love you despite shortcomings. I know there is. They care and they will help. Don't let the other people with their own problems if judgemental put you down since they have flaws too. Your therapist can help you get a second chance with an legit excuse letter. The therapist will encourage you for you second chance since you can vent your issues and think about what you need to cover in life. This all apart of becoming a adult. Its all about how you handle your own blows and overcoming them than to just quit at adversity no matter what shape and size.
Stay Strong!