I've been spending months on and off dwelling why I love this series so much if on all accounts it's noticeably subpar to trash depending on the entry compared to higher tier games. It's kind of an obvious answer but the Pokemon themselves and the idea of an incredibly high amount of party member combinations with them is what keeps me around. They also don't jump in extremely branched evolution trees like Digimon or make you say goodbye to them to progress like MegaTen
even if MegaTen is a damn good Pokemon alternative. I really don't like seeing threads on this because I hate dwelling on this topic but it's probably true considering I'm not one of those morons who never plays anything but Pokemon and have taken an interest in a couple other RPGs like Diablo, Megaman Battle Network/Starforce and Earthbound.
>>38198847It pains me to say this but this anon is probably right. Pokemon despite technically being a JRPG never felt like one to me if that makes sense. It didn't even feel like a typical RPG to me for some reason. Just its own thing.
Perhaps Pokemon is inferior, but I still want to cling to the belief that it has a slight niche to it still.