>>53218573>How hard would it be to catch Route 1 mons? Cave, water, forest encounters? Pseudos assuming you can find them?Bugs are easy, maybe some birds. Try approaching a regular wild animal and thats about how hard Id think it is. I grew up in Florida so I imagine wingull, crabby, maybe polywog are all easy to find. I imagine some goodmons wouldnt be to hard to find. For psuedos go watch jurassic park.
>Would (you) find a Pokémon useful in your current job?I could use the company.
>Do all Pokémon speak the same language? To what extent can they communicate with humans?So pokemon are yokai and yokai are magic. I imagine they can understand most humans.
>How do trainer battles handle the concept of the victor being awarded cash? How does it affect the economy?Its a gambling economy based around UBI given out by the corporate dictatorship of the pokemon league.
>Any region you'd settle down in? Which town?Lavaridge