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My second competitive team, first one was a sand team in B2 but now I'm trying to create a non-weather dependent team. R8 and tell me how shitty it is.
Garchomp @Garchompite
Sand Veil > Sand Force
Naive, 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 SAtk
-Dragon Claw
-Poison Jab
Salamence @Life Orb
Naive, 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 SAtk
-Dragon Claw
Chandelure @Focus Sash
Flash Fire
Timid, 252 SAtk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
-Shadow Ball
-??? (Energy Ball (?) / Hidden Power (?))
Talonflame @Nothing, lel
Gale Wings
Adamant, 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
-Flare Blitz
-Steel Wing
Greninja @Wise Glasses / Expert Belt
Timid, 252 SAtk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
-Ice Beam
-Dark Pulse
Ferrothorn @Leftovers
Iron Barbs
Brave, 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4SDef
-Power Whip
-Gyro Ball
I know I'm going to get shit for a couple of things so let me clarify:
>I prefer reliability over power, that's why Flamethrower instead of Fire Blast
>Some rules prevent the use of same item twice, that's why I don't have a Life Orb on both Salamence and Greninja
>Yes, I'm trying a bulky attacker Ferrothorn. This is mostly just an experiment and I'm eager to see how it works
>Poison Jab is for Fairy types
>Yes, I know 90% of people prefer Scald over Surf. However, Greninja is so frail that it's not going to stay in battle just by burning opponents so I'm going for Surf for dat little extra power. Hydro Miss is out of the question because accuracy
Yeah, I guess that's it. r8 and h8 m8s.