>THE NEXT DAY...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYkBWmWExx0"Calem.. How long has Trevor been like that?"
"Since last night, I went to go check on him, y'know, just to make sure he wasn't feeling delirious or anything, and I found his stupid fort melted and him...well y'know like this."
Trevor sits in a plastic kiddie pool purchased from Family Dollar. A look of a man without a soul is printed on his face, a cemented "statue" kind of expression that does not falter.
Without any clothes on, he holds a watering hose over his head and douses himself in water by the galleons. Although he's silent and thoughtless, it's pretty clear what his motives are.
"He's...freezing himself, Miss Leading."
"Yes, I noticed that Calem, but it looks like all he's succeeded in doing is freezing all of the water in the pool, and the tips of his toes... How long is he going to keep this up? I'm quite worried about him."
"'Mayb he 'jus needs'um time 't cooldown!" Alice suggests, both Torchic and Swinub in her arms.
>What happens next?