>>52798675Raids (both in SS and in SV) are fucking bullshit. One thing's a fair challenge, which Pokémon is severely lacking on these days, and another thing is whatever these are. I understand making raid Pokémon HP sponges, but it's dumb that they also get to nullify your stat changes (and the stat changes you've inflicted on it, including statuses). Not only that, but the barriers that they put up to make them even more HP sponges are just ridiculous, especially in SV where, instead of just having to hit it an X amount of times, it increases its defenses even more. And the only way you can get Herbae Mysticae is through these... and even then you only get them sometimes.
and I say this as a birdfucker. When I first encountered it for some reason I thought it was a steel-type (the "glossy" shading some Pokémon have in this game makes them look metal-ly, see also Lokix), so I sent my Breloom and... it 1HKO my poor shroom with a psychic attack. Since then I've had an irrational hate for this ostrich.