>>55226965>Your age22
>Your gender (if you consider this to be different from sex then post both)Male (male)
>Your religious beliefs (atheism and agnosticism count as beliefs)Atheist/areligious
>Your political stance (don't go crazy with this one plz)hard to put it in a word
>Your favorite non-pokemon videogame.Worlo classic
>The generation you started with1
>Your favorite game in the series (Spin-offs included)Soul Silver/PMD Explorers of sky (tie)
>Your least favorite game in the seriesOf the ones that I've played, Sword.
>Your favorite Pokemon (or one of your favorites if you can't really decide)I really like Typhlosion
>Your opinion on the overall state of PokemonPretty bad and stale. Gamefreak is just lazy as hell, and why wouldn't they be? They're making record profits with minimal effort.