Silvally did the concept first and arguably better, Null was a tortured existence because it's effectively Aether's trash and a failed experiment, but it CAN function as a Pokemon and even be happy as long as someone takes care of it.
Gen 8's fossils are in constant suffering, they barely function as living things with 2 of them not even able to breathe air, one having it's head upside down, and the other in constant suffering because it's a cold blooded creature spliced into an ice type. Look at this shit
>>41255200. If you think it's cute, that's fine, but you objectively lack empathy.
Look at the responses to this thread, people feel bad for them. These things go against what Pokemon stands for, the relationship between humans and Pokemon should be mutually beneficial, if a human takes a Pokemon in, it's their job to make it happy and raise it to be the best version of itself. With the fossils you're doing the opposite of that and forcing creatures that were better off dead to live tortured existences because they want to play God.
If N saw these things he'd get Reshiram/Zekrom to nuke the fuck out of Galar and he'd be justified, they need to be put down and I won't trust anyone who raises them.