>>40065935That yu-gi-oh design is great, I miss the old artwork
>>40065953Nostalgia makes me want to say Feral and my inner chuuni wants to say Imp X, but I think SMT's is my favorite, since it's a vanilla design while still having an air of mystique about it.
>>40065965I like SMTs, but from a design standpoint, YuGiOh, although I feel the posing could've been better. I want to say there's a better design in Yu-Gi-Oh, but I don't remember what it is.
>>40065994This one's hard. I could see reasons for picking Rayquaza, Seiryu, AzuLong or Osiris. All are great.
>>40066003That yokai one is pretty cool, but in terms of preserving the sauce's magesty, I think all fall short. I like pic related better, but not by too much