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Hewwo, i'm speaking a foweign wanguage awnd am hewe tuwu bwinging uwu a weak!
"dexit" as iwt has come tuwu be known, was mewewy tuwu accomodate futuwe games in the pokemon wegends sewies.
pokemon wegends awceus featuwes countwess new animations fow evewy pokemon incwuded, which dwasticawwy weduce the numbew which weawisticawwy couwd be incwuded. Hoewvew, gawme fweak stiww considews pokemon wegends a sepawate sewies fwom the main sewies games, but the pokemon company intewnationaw has decided they awe both pokemon wpgs awnd must be considewed "main sewies." thiws iws why thewe awe new wegionaw fowms in pwa, eawwy in devewopment these wewe nowt new fowms (wywdeew was owiginawwy stantwew ect)
since they awe main-sewies games, gawme fweak wanted tuwu ensuwe thawt pwayews wouwd nowt be enwaged whewn we couwd nowt incwude aww pokemon in wegends: awceus.
gawaw was missing many pokemon due tuwu difficuwty in powting the modews tuwu the new system. The expansion pass was tuwu test whawt happened whewn new pokemon wewe added in the middwe of a genewation.
the main-sewies "genewation nine" games awe pwanned tuwu have the entiwe nationaw dex pwogwamed in. Iwt iws nowt yet decided if aww pokemon wiww be incwuded at waunch ow nowt, they awe considewing making an expansion pass fow genewation nine.
pokemon wegends games wiww have a smawwew wostew