Hey /vp/, I'm here to "leak" some stuff about Pokemon switch, but first, click here if you want some background -
https://imgur.com/nlrJBH5 * 没入型ゲームプレイ (Immersive gameplay)
* セルシェード (cel-shaded)
*オンライン機能 (online functionality)
*複数の領域 (multiple regions)
And the last slide was a general picture of the game's covers, which looked great. It has the cleanest cover art I've seen out of any Pokemon game, and there were 3 games shown instead of the usual 2. The Pokemon were all new, and there were 2 Pokemon on each cover.
From what I remember, the first cover had an alien-like grass-type bird Pokemon in the background that had it's claws superimposed into the left of the foreground, which seemed to be some type of tree branch, and it was very akin to Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. It had moss hanging from its four wings and what seemed to be four red eyes. It had some sort of crest on its forehead and its beak was straight and the same color as its legs.
The Pokemon in the foreground was a brown and green land shark with a blue tribal pattern on its fins, a hammerhead, and stubby legs with a rock coming out of one knee. It appeared to possibly have a spiked tail, and it had 4 spiky fins that were a little like Mega Aerodactyl's wings.
The second cover showed a fire-type Pokemon in the background with giant volcanoes on its shoulders and a what looked like a sword for his forearm, which was superimposed to the right of the foreground. Its general design looks like a skeleton in armor and is the most badass out of the 3. The one in the foreground was a giant wasp-like bug with green marks on its wings. It has for arms, 2 legs, and 4 wings, along with a large scorpion tail that has three barbs on the end that overlap each-other.
More info to come...