>>48465111i can't. caught it by joining a chicago pokemon go discord and way less people showed up for the raid than were posting. maybe 3-4 people including me, plus some weirdo guy who played from his car with possibly two phones and never talked to us. we BARELY beat the raid with prob 20 seconds left when darkrai ran out of hp. saw it was shiny, remembered seeing the perfect iv cp and thought it looked familiar. heart started fucking racing and i forgot it's a guaranteed catch; missed the first premier ball. then caught on the second. checked iv's to confirm it was 15/15/15 then shit myself basically.
so although i have other shiny 15/15/15 pokemon, it is my only 15/15/15 shiny legendary. not for trade :)
do you want to trade for my shiny shadow metagross that knows mm tho?