>>28039169Best handled online features
Amie and Super Training were both very fun and handy respectively. Trainer videos were also surprisingly fun, I remember seeing some great ones here.
While some of the gym leaders themselves were a bit bland, looking back all of the gyms themselves were pretty creative
Megas were generally a good thing, both for the various underpowered pokemon that got a much needed boost specifically and the meta in general (and if you think Mega's ruined competitive you literally know nothing about competitive; you can count the broken megas on one hand)
While I felt some routes in XY were a little too crowded dexwise the variety was generally appreciated
Pokebank is very handy
Some good new pokemon, both on a visual level and a competitive one
Lots of cute girls
Obviously there were a lot of flaws too, but they DID get a lot of things right. If they can carry over the good stuff to the future and shore up the weak points the games could be amazing.