>>46026107Will went down with only some minor hiccups nothing serious. Kamala was able to take out most of his team but got confused. By the time I switched out for DrGlassman Slowbro had pulled off two amnesias (big yikes desu) luckily Glassman got Hypnosis off on Slowbro twice in a row AND shadow ball hit a crit despite Will's hyper potiod.
Koga didn't give me very much trouble at all. I started with Glassman who easily took care of them all until Muk who got off Minimize and hit me with Toxic. Luckily Psybeam got him paralyzed and he killed himself in his confusion. I switched out for Glaurung who made short work of Venemoth with FireBlast to end the duel.
Lost my first pokemon, Bertha of course, to Bruno. I misguessed and threw her out first thinking that He started with Onix. I got lucky and Hitmontop used dig while I used Earthquake. Hitmonlee with High Jump Kick nearly OHKO her so I switched for DrGlassman who managed to take him out. I made the mistake of bringing Bertha back out to fight Onix. I mean Onix was no problem but I left her out for Machamp. Honestly Earthquake looked like a winner if I could get a potion in...until cross chop hit a crit. Bertha died and Glassman had to use Hypnosis and Psychic to finish the battle
Agatha fucked me up. I was not expecting Umbreon to start, and after it get off three double teams I thought she would end my run. Thankfully I brought in Lizzy who's hypnosis AND wake up slap both miraculously hit. Lizzy was doing everything right, and even put Gengar to sleep but wasn't fast enough. Gangar woke up, used destiny bond, and Lizzy somehow drowned herself in her own Surf. FUCK. That shit hurts...