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Finished my Poliwag, Ledyba, Sandyghast, Rattata, Smeargle run. I got a Flame orb only to realize I had previously cleared with Rattata, so I had to drop em. This team had a MAJOR weakness to flying, which would have been fine, except I evolved to Poliwrath, had a Buzzwole, and had no ice or electric moves. But that's fine, I mean Poliwrath can probably brute force through except I lucked into a Biome with perma sunny day (Beach) for my 180, and oh look it's fucking Larry. Thank GOD he has Tera-Normal and not Tera-Flying or I'd have been fucked on his Staraptor and Tropius. I had to play the biggest game of grab ass with Ledian using Spore and Parting shots to get through.
By the end of the run I dropped Smeargle for Flutter Mane, thinking I needed one more Mon who DID THINGS but uh... turns out I just kinda killed him with Iron Boulder, Poliwrath and Pallosand. So... I lost a future Fairy and STILL have to do Smeargle.
Smeargle may just be the worst fucking pokemon in the game.