Quoted By:
> something hops in your recommended list on YT
> something about pixelmon
> disregard it because of course you do
> a month of seeing it there later and you finally cave and watch it
> it's a review of a world download of someone's minecraft pixelmon world, carefully crafted to be just like a new pokemon region
> apparently this chad worked his ass off to make this region to be hella fun, trainers and a regionl+national dex
> no cringey fakemons
> it's a huge region with wide-ass routes, plenty to explore, GARGANTUAN regional dex, 16 gyms, and all kinds of secrets
> this region has its own "Wild Area," responsile for being the spawn of ALL pokemon at perfect random, minus legendaries, all for the sake of the national dex or letting players get the mons they really want
> gyms aren't about type, but rather center around different stats, themes, or strategies. only one gym is type-based.
> almost all trainers have 4 or more pokemon
> all gym leaders have 5 pokemon, as well as a sixth "Bossmon," alike totems.
> you can do all of the gyms in just about any order you want, save for the first and last gyms.
> game is difficult, but not impossible. requires a strategy to win
> while there is no online battling, there IS an active server of the same map that lets you battle against other players
why can't it be real, bros? is this truly the worst timeline?