>>39525659I wish it were not true. Aside from the client sucking the entire idea of an online tcg is weird to me. The tcg is one of the few ways I get out to socilize nowadays. And yeah some people are too autistic and its hard to play againsst them. You can't just let them all go online and repetitively use a broken deck to win get the reward responce from the brain and come over to the general to steal a code. Get off your butt and support your LGS.
We need to focus on community. Where is the the link to the leauge finder in the OP? Thats right nowhere. Where are the people posting there general locale to find meetups? Non existant. How about a map? Nope none of that allowed.
If anyone read my rant and wants to help me rebuild this shit general and construct a new OP contact the email.