>>23414786Actually, I think it would be better if the abilities gave short weather (5 normal, 8 with stone) and the actual moves themselves gave extended weather (8 normal, 12 with stone). It's harder to get weather up when you need to use a move to do it since you can get killed/taunted, so it should provide longer weather. To counter this, abilities like Cloud Nine/Air Lock and the move Defog would completely clear out all current weather.
>>23416074I think that's just your nostalgia kicking in. It made absolutely no sense for your Pokemon to physically bite the other Pokemon (Bite, Crunch) and then do special damage. It was also stupid for Gengar to fire a ball of ghostly energy (Shadow Ball) that did physical damage. The physical/special split lets Pokemon like Gyarados actually take advantage of their higher attacking stat while using their STAB moves.