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-Instead of 2 portable games, one portable and one console game, each with their own version exclusives
-Storyline and setting would be completely different between the games, along the lines of R/S/E vs Colosseum
-Portable game would follow the standard "8 gyms+league+evil team subplot" formula, ideally with a more morally ambiguous villain team along the lines of Team Plasma and while keeping them fairly relevant for most of the game.
-Portable game would be less linear than previous games, many npc trainers would have their level scale with number of badges earned so far
-Console game would be more like Colosseum, with a greater focus on the characters and plot instead of collecting badges, but keeping all the core mechanics from the portable games such as wild pokemon and breeding
-Greater character customization for both games, allowing players to customize things like height and build
-Three difficulty options available from the start: Gen6-tier easy mode, Gen1-5 standard mode, and hard mode where trainers are more like the ones in battle facilities, with decent EVs/IVs, egg moves, held items, etc.
-A way to slowly raise IVs (maybe 1-3 per day) so wild shinies and legendaries can actually have decent stats without cheating or resetting a billion times.
-A held item that makes eggs be the male's species when breeding, so things like tyrogue and tauros can actually have egg moves
-Tutor moves can be passed down when breeding between two pokemon of the same species, or with a ditto in the case of pokemon with only one gender or no gender
-Items can be transferred from gen 6 and can be traded between players more easily (players could pass all their items to a friend before restarting the game without having to do dozens of pokemon trades, etc)
-No more bullshit trade requests on the GTS (no more asking for a level 1-10 tyranitar, etc) and the ability to filter ALL legendaries