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I had a match where i did my standard team of Porygon2, Spirtomb, Lucario, Celebi, Tentacruel, then I usually had Gyara but I threw in Crawdaunt this time for shits.
The guy I went against had a stall team, Hippo, Blissey, Spiritomb, Skarm, TTar, and Cressilia.
Early on in the match I was having a hell of a time and could not set up shit on his team. He had lots of entry hazards down and this Cress was in with a couple Calm Minds and I had yet to see all four of it's moves. Finally he reveals, CM, Psychic, Rest, Sleep Talk. I got in Crawdaunt with his Dark typing and knew he would switch. Anticipating Skarmory I threw out a Choice Banded Waterfall instead of the obvious Crunch. It did about 45%. Few turns later of Roost stalling, Skarmory flinches and goes down. Blissey Seismic Tosses and gets killed in two swift hits. Sandstorm is melting my Crawdaunt slowly but I look at his roster; not a single water resist. I throw down Waterfall after Waterfall and his mons keep dropping. Finally at the end, it's me and this Tyranitar, I'm at 17 HP and if I don't finish this Ttar he can actually turn it around. He uses DRAGON DANCE, in my face, and I waterfall for the OHKO. As if 120 power super effective move from 550 attack won't one shot him.
Think he learned to build his sand teams more carefully, nonetheless