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Currently playing White 2
Its steel-typing didn't end up doing much for it. It's very powerful, but I probably would've been better off sticking with Emboar.
Excellent Pokémon. It gets insane move coverage and remains useful throughout the entire game, given how many Flying/Water types you have to beat down on. You don't get the Electrizer until the late game, but Eviolite + Thunderbolt works wonders in the meantime.
Again, a great Pokémon. Ice Punch + Huge Power mows down any Dragon Pokémon and dickslaps Drayden. Getting Aqua Tail at an early level is absolutely based too.
It's decent when you get it, but basically deadweight. Flying doesn't matter late-game, especially with the plethora of good Psychic types that you get at that point. Still, having Fly is essential.
As soon as you get Foul Play, this Pokémon becomes an absolute beast. Give it Juniper's Lucky Egg and this becomes a mid-game nuke. It does somewhat lose its usefulness late game, but it still has its clutch moments and is totally worth using.
Busted. It can solo the rest of the game as soon as you get it. Nothing stands a chance. Catch Metagross, win the game.