>>19608290"But love IS power! And you would know that if it wasn't for your unlovely flapjack ass!"
Mable readjusts her mechanical visor with a completely stoic face, "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that..and also assume you said yes. GO, TEAM FLARE'S SECRET WEAPON!"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwvIBmWld30"Aaaaaaarrrrtiiiiiiiii!"Mable tosses out a pokeball containing the long-fabled legendary, Articuno. The icy bird's presence alone makes the room way colder than it has any right to be, looking back at Serena, you see her body shivering like crazy. Huggus from Alice can only warm her up so much, and Torchic is still too exhausted to keep Heat Wave up.
"CUNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" without warning, the bird launches an Ice Beam at you, you dodge it with only an inch to spare.
He's also wearing a visor similar to Mable's, no doubt a work of her tacky fashion sense. It takes away from all the mystique that the bird has, in your opinion.
A) "W-Whaaa?! You have an Articuno!?"
B) "Ehhhh!? Is this the same Articuno from--!?"
C) "Hey! WATCH IT! You could have frozen me there!"