Welcome to the Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc., etc.
>Livestream link (Sundays @ 9 AM UTC):https://mov3.co/tvtokyo>Latest episodehttps://nyaa.si/view/1233446 (1080p)
https://nyaa.si/view/1233445 (720p)
Next episode:
>PM2019 020 - Go Towards Your Dream! Satoshi and Go!! (April 5th)https://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/pocketmonster/episodes/Future episodes:
>PM2019 021 - Hit Your Mark, Wave Guidance! Satoshi and the Mysterious Egg!! (April 12th)>PM2019 022 - Farewell, Rabbifoot! (April 19th)>PM2019 023 - Massive Panic! Sakuragi Park!! (April 26th)Summaries, voice cast, etc.:
https://pastebin.com/pRWCDSsU>Previous episodes: https://pastebin.com/CGSd907r>Pokémon Twilight Wings subs:https://pastebin.com/UNkLmwKvMovies:
>M21: Everyone's Story [1080p SUB]:https://nyaa.si/view/1107174>M22: Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution [1080p SUB]:https://nyaa.si/view/1208687>M23: Coco (July 10th, 2020)http://www.pokemon-movie.jp/Trailer:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ_7ZcklO9k>Music, manga, and more:https://pastebin.com/BHx4G3EbOld thread: