Oh boy I'm glad we're alive again.
>start the fight with Blue>Exeggutor gets 1 tapped by Flamethrower>Rhydon dies to Surf>He brings out THE CHAMP>bring out Dragonite>use Thunder Wave>Stone Edge lands and nearly kills my boy, swap into Bramble>Bramble eats half HP from Stone Edge>use Fly>Dynamic Punch hits (This is when I learned that No Guard was in play) and he dies>Swap into Smooch>Psychic leaves it at red hp>Stone Edge 1 shot>swap back into Vengeance >Dragon Claw puts it down>Arcanine dies to Surf>Gyarados dies to a surprisingly accurate Thunder>brings out the PIDGEOT>use Charge Beam to test the waters>takes it down to a little over half>no SP.Atk increase>Return knocks Billy's fucking brains around and leaves him almost dead>go for the Thunder play>miss>Billy dies>Vengeance finishes it with a crit Dragon ClawI'd like to stop playing now.
>>46422043We're gonna need the gameplay specifics to understand how it works