>>51179396https://pokemongolive.com/en/post/world-championships-event-2022/>Costume Pikachu based on the Worlds design>You can fight regional champs at Pokéstops>GBL will give 3x stardust and allow 10 sets per day>Timed research gives a Worlds Pikachu, plus a set of both elite TMs>Pokémon that are good in GL will be in the wild (plus Machop and Mudkip if you don't care about GBL)>Field research will have mons good in UL (plus Gastly, Rhyhorn, Mudkip and Beldum if you don't care about GBL)>Dragon-type and dark-type costumes in the shop (Marnie cosplayers eat your heart out)But wait, there's even more!:
>Evolving Rhyhorn, Gastly, Gyarados, Metagross and Fletchling will give them their CD movesLast announcement makes is all worth it for me, can't wait to assemble my army of robots!