>>39386515>All that could have been done but it would have been a waste of resources on hte 3DS>But when GF does it now on the Switch it's bad cause it's not impressive enoughI don't quite understand what people are comparing this to sometimes.
Like, compared to XB2 or DQ11? Of course S/S looks garbage compared to those. Those were made with much longer dev times with more dedicated teams that had experience making massive HD RPGs and using a much smaller playable cast. There's way more room for them to refine, expand and polish their styles.
But compared to the last Pokemon games we got, S/S is clearly a step up. It's not some massive step, but it's still a solid step for their first go at making an HD game on the same scale as the handheld titles.
The main reason people seem to be holding this game to this way higher bar than all the past games is due to Masuda blaming the cut on quality concerns when it was clearly just a corporate decision. The game itself is a fine upgrade from the 3DS, it's just not a "cutting the regional dex" level of an upgrade to people that really cared about that part.