Goodnight all, remember to back up important data to external drives.
>>55973382Mega should be fine, I've never heard of someone getting in trouble over 2D stuff before. Just game or movie uploads that get taken down.
Good luck with the gens <3
>>55973364Goodnight AliceAnon <3
>>55973377>Hoenn>>55973383Patchwork skin is fine. I meant abuse like the one Lillie prompt a couple weeks ago where she looked like she was assaulted.
>>55973395Nerd Hex is for headpats and watching the 5 hour long Bionicle lore video with.
>>55973408The 3rd is the last day for requests. It ends the night of the 4th and I'm spending the 4th finishing up what I want to do. I might drop by the thread if it's up with the last Mega update.
Speaking of, I updated the Mega earlier today up to day 74.