>The GoodThe presentation is wonderful with music, tileset and good readability of sprites/map design all working in tandem. The character portraits are charming and vibrant, and the regional forms look great with a very small number of exceptions. If anyone knows what the area captain boss track is, I'd love to know.
The characters are overall likable and quirky without leaning too hard on the quirkiness in lieu of any further substance. The two "tropiest" characters, Olympia and Kitt, both get plenty of screentime where they do things aside from play to a writing style gimmick and they do them competently enough.
I think I might be the odd one out here, but I think overall I really like where the difficulty of this game's hard mode is at. It gives you ample tools to handle the variety of challenges it throws at you, and while I think this game's boss design leans a bit too hard on Le Weather Team when there's so much other designspace for creative things in Doubles, I do ultimately respect that some of the more complex strategies would've been difficult to make the AI play competently. At least when not playing a duo-type run, these fights felt very tough but never insurmountable, even the one where I played into his preferred weather (water) rather than trying to circumvent it. The non-weather captain bosses were a tremendous step down in difficulty despite being objectively well put together, which goes to show just how strong weather teams are in doubles.
>Stuff I don't have strong opinions onFoEs entirely fall off as threats after the 2nd area. We discussed this prior in the thread, but the game kind of had a catch-22 with making them catchable in that they couldn't be too powerful lest you not be able to use them in your new level cap.
>>55852990F. That must be frustrating. Get a good night's rest.
>>55852963>>55852964Thanks bros.