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These fights are starting to give me a disease now. Found out that using New Moon only lasts for 2 turns, then it goes back to fucking rain for them to abuse. Oh, and I'm going in pre-status now as well, cause fuck this game.
Audrey First Fight:
Kyogre w/ Life Orb: Water Spout, Surf, Ice Beam, Thunder
Ludicolo w/ Swift Swim + Life Orb: Hydro Pump
Mega Swampert: Flip Turn, Waterfall, Earthquake, Rock Slide
Crawdaunt w/ Caffeine: Dragon Dance, Crabhammer
Delta Dragonite w/ Sitrus Berry: Scald, Volt Switch, Livewire
Lugia w/ Multiscale + Lefties: Calm Mind, Hurricane
If you look really closely, you'll see it's a rain abuse team. Kyogre isn't that bad considering it still sits at 90 speed and has low defense, but everything else will give you hell. You need genuinely bulky mons with EV investment to just barely survive attacks. No way to get rid of weather outside of Cloud Nine so you better fucking deal with it.