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Tentacruel because I loved the way it looked. I was very young but the idea of it was very cool and I still try to include one in any game I play.
Espeon because my Eevee unexpectedly evolved during my run and I just fell in love with it ever since
Sceptile because he is my favorite starter out of all the generations though Greninja is growing on me
I skipped 4th gen because I was "over" Pokemon at that point. I still consider it the worst generation even compared to 5. But if I had to choose one only off of looks I would choose Mismagius.
5th gen was a toss up between Reuniclus and Bisharp but Bisharp ended up winning. I just love the way it looks and the typing is great. I keep thinking of him as a protector/chess piece.
6th has to be Noivern. Fell in love with Noibat the first time I encountered one and kept on using it.