>>51582711Close- the Pacific Northwest. It's a bit of a conceptual stretch, but Redwood City is PokeSeattle. It makes as much sense as a desert north of NYC, so...
>>51582713I understand what you're saying, and I'm confident in my writing ability. It's not about creating a worthy story, but whether I can get readers to accept such a story without triggering a "this isn't really Pokemon" reflex. I'm hoping, between careful writing explaining everything new, and artwork to fill in the mental image that canon creations inherently have, I can close the gap and inoculate against that rejection reflex.
Here's an example, probably the biggest physical deviation I'm introducing: the protags meet a living Fossil Pokemon. The Pokedex, who's programming was influenced by one of the "leading expert" on Fossil Pokemon Cara Liss, identifies the Pokemon as Dracozolt. They clearly see it's not a Dracozolt, but the original ___zolt Pokemon, but can't get the Pokedex nor any professor to agree with them. The protags end up having to accept this weird deprecated label for it.
Along with the chapter explaining all this and a description, readers would also get pic related for reference.