Quick thread boost after getting to Solaceon Town, but there's a few updates and a few deaths. First, the big loss: I got greedy trying to catch a Bibarel who was at half-health with Great Balls who I was certain I could catch. It did not catch, and Bodhi got OHKO'd by the max damage Rollout. Later, I got greedy assuming that Amarpali could kill another wild Bibarel. It could not. I attempted to flee, but the dreaded "Couldn't escape!" text came up, and Amarpali died. Feel free to laugh at my incompetence.
I did at least get a Cherubi from a Honey Tree, so I got a grass-type to pull out of reserve (that I'm pretty psyched to use, because I really like Cherrim).
>>51862456Nice, you got the Teddiursa! Love Ursaring.
>>51848377>he can't keep getting away with it>>51853215Emerald's a more challenging game (in a fairer way), but ORAS has Pokemon with better movepools if you care about more viable options. Steven is also arguably harder than in the original games thanks to that Mega Metagross. Also if you value Exp. Share, that's a QoL change that you can still turn off whenever you want.