>>38591620As odd as it sounds, as of late I'd like to be a Magearna travelling with a Melmetal. Whether we would be friends or more would depend, since the dynamics between genderless myths are not quite as clear cut as those among more common pokemon. If anything, I'd be the one crushing on Melmetal.
>I do love alleviating people's troubles though, to a fault of forgetting to care about myself sometimes, really.Completely understandable, which is why it's nice that pokemon often return care for their trainers usually. Mutual caring is a wonderful thing.
>>38591656Ha, yeah. Extreme treachery is definitely a big fear of mine. Logical when there's reason for concern, illogical when you don't know if it'll even happen.
>>38591824Doesn't sound like my cup of tea at all there, as a ghost I'd probably dwell in the misty woods and follow along any travellers to see where they go until I'm noticed. Spooking others would be just a bonus.