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Sunbug, X, Fried Safari
Pic Related.
Outright is Crabrawler (3 SOS calls) but I've had insane luck in Gen VIII hatching, a shiny Honedge in 11 total eggs (4 or 5 after swapping a flawless breedject in for the original parent sword) and a shiny female Popplio, HA, Modest, 5IV (missing attack) in 19 eggs.
Not as such, Govt. limited indoor gatherings and outdoor gatherings to under 100 and under 500 respectively, but otherwise still going on as normal. However, I'm a chef and after 3 days of people repeating health advice during the day, then going out on the piss in cramped bars and clubs, Government asked the pubs/restaurants/clubs to close. To be fair, we had done a half-week, no business to speak of as everyone was staying away. But now I'm jobless for a couple weeks and need to get a hand-out from the social welfare to get paid. I at least have money to pay for DOOM Eternal for launch, so I have that going for me.
>Least Favourite?
Anything that's "it's just a slightly different shade of colour to the original"