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Golurk deserves so much better. It's clearly built to be a strong, slow physical attacker but they gave it no bulk and it has no real tools to do what it needs to do. Yes, it can spam moves like Dynamic Punch with No Guard and it had access to Poltergeist in Gen 8. But is that really the best it can achieve? Seriously?
>Swap out Klutz for Weak Armor when it evolves. Now it can get +2 Speed boosts off weak hits or switching into a resisted hit.
>Shadow Punch is clearly meant to be its bread and butter (alongside other punches). Buff that move's BP to 75 so it can match the other elemental punches. With STAB and Iron Fist it now hits closer to Poltergeist in power but more importantly has perfect accuracy no matter what.
>Give it access to more moves so it has better coverage it can use:
Meteor Mash, Headlong Rush (which is a punching move apparently), Wring Out, Retaliate, Stomp (it doesn't learn this??), Zap Cannon, Twin Beam, Psybeam, Mystical Fire, Meteor Beam, Wide Guard, Quash, Power Split, Guard Split, Autotomize, Rapid Spin, Lock-On, Focus Energy
>Add a signature move: Break Seal, which cuts HP by 50% but +3 Att/SpAtt
>Change stats accordingly to make it a little bulkier and a little more offensive just to deal with power creep. New stats below:
>HP 105 (+16)
>ATT 134 (+10)
>DEF 85 (+5)
>SPA 60 (+5)
>SPD 85 (+5)
>SPE 55 (+0)
>BST 524 (+41)
By doing this Golurk now has a bit more staying power and can hit a lot harder with some new options at its disposal. You can also pull off interesting combos now with No Guard Zap Cannon + Meteor Beam, or Iron Fist Meteor Mash + Headlong Rush + Buffed Shadow Punch. And with Weak Armor, you could build a support set that runs moves like Stealth Rock, Rapid Spin, Wide Guard... It would have way more utility and start to feel like the "big friendly strong robot" vibe I think they were actually going for with its design.