>https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/Hawkeye/>https://desuarchive.org/co/search/text/Hawkeye/Yep. Definitely the actual superhero and not the damn MCU show.
>>53409728That still means neither 4kids and TPCi kept the Japanese music. I hate how I have to actively deny the Japanese music even existing in the dub. It's easier that way.
>>53409756I don't fucking care, I can just use a VPN.
>>53409761>>53409739>>53409750>>53409735I don't think it matters since she got this many results. I don't know why I'm expected to believe anything anti-X*Y.
>>53409771It'd say "rare person that mentioned S*rena in a positive way" but it's too late. April 8th, 2022 would've been more than the perfect time. But instead, it's people lashing out over a fictional ship for 11 months and 2 days straight and counting.
>>53409782I don't think it matters according to my pic related.