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What's the Pokemon game you've always wanted to see created? I'm not talking "the normal games but with every pokemon catchable", or "the normal games but with Hoenn reachable". I'm talking about stuff significantly different from what GF normally makes.
What I'd like to see (and have started planning) is a Pokemon roguelike in the style of the older games. Regions would be randomly generated, with 5-20 cities, 2-12 gyms, and around 80 Pokemon chosen from a persistent national dex of 201. You'd play as a trainer who just wanted to be the very best, cursed by some eldritch demon 'mon to travel from region to region while everything tries to kill her. A variant of Nuzlocke rules would apply to you and you alone- Poke balls would be useable multiple times per route, but your Pokemon would be un-reviveable once fainted. Maps would be non-linear, but enemies would be strong. You'd start with 100 monsters able to be found total, but beating the Champion would unlock new 'mons to be found in later regions if you did certain achievements (catch X monsters, find hidden relics, do speedruns/low level runs, etc.). However, as part of the curse, everything would reset between runs minus the dex (unless you did well enough to keep some leveled-down teammates)- no blazing through every region with level 100s. The curse would permeate the game- Pokemon centers would break down, shops crank up prices, your starters are Magikarps and Sunkerns, etc.
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