>>54857824lol nah, on a scale of 0 to 5 in increments of 0.25
(the question is kind of in jest. in case you dont know, meltz is a meme in the pro wrestling world, just an autist who somehow managed to make a living by rating wrestling matches and 'news' that doesnt acutally reveal anything. he's managed to make a living out of it by selling subscriptions to his newletter to fans even more autisticv than him. but he broke his own scale a few years a ago by rating a matches 6*, then 6.25*, then 7* and it was a jump the shark moment, because now his ratings are all distorted and meaningless, and he also keeps giving extremely high ratings now to every ordrinary boring match. he's lost touch with what actually made wrestling good, he'll give 4* and 5* ratings to dumb contrived flippy shit even if it doesnt make sense and the match has no 'heat'/passion in it, while giving low ratings to matches that have actually heat/passion/emotion to them because they dont feature the modern style of contrived pointless gymnastics. so 'meltzer ratings' are a total meme now, anyone who mentions them now is using the term tongue-in-cheek (or is an unironic retard).
But yeah, gimme some of the greatest battles in the whole anime from the s2 onwards pls.
pic somewhat rel, it's one of the greatest matches of all time yet one that meltz would probably rate poorly today because it actually looked like a real fight between two guys who hate each others guts rather than a scripted synchronized ballet performance.