>>12195495>Even if GF would completely stop getting money, they could probably still release two full gens with new features and mons without actually losing money.>Sure I support them by buying the games but don't act as if they'd die of starvation if we emulate some Pokémon games.Nintendo is, at present making a loss, sure they have made a metric shit ton of money in the past but most of that money gets given out to shareholdres so it is not nintendo's money anymore, a small proportion of the profit is invested into running the company, advertising, accountants to help find tax loopholes, manufacturing and researching new products.
This is how business works.
Now, this is all fine when a company is making lots of money, but if it makes a loss it will have to finance itself by borrowing money. If it looks like a temporary dip then the banks will be happy to lend money up to a certain point as they know they'll get it back with interest. However when losses go on for a few years or profits take a big dip, no matter how successful a company was in the past one by one banks stop giving credit and a situation arises when the company can't pay its debts and it goes into administration. When in administration the most profitable or potentially profitable parts get sold off.
One of those profitable parts would be Game Freak and it would likely get bought by money grubbers like EA.
Now the shandys who emulate because the real game is too hard for them would love that as in EA pokemon you would be able to buy any level 100 pokemon for £10 from EA and the game would be made super easy to keep these spoilt children happy. To Play anyone online you'd have to buy an online pass for about £15 a month as well.
You would have to be connected to a wifi network all the time you were playing as well so EA could check that each of your pokemon had only been bought from the EA shop not caught or transferred from an old game.