>>36212705>SidneyYui DD swept
>PhoebeClean shadow ball sweep from Akagi
>Glacia 4x Calm Mind Toji destruction
>DrakeShinji used ice beam and earthquaked the kingdra
>WallaceLed with Akagi who knew thunderbolt but it got a rain dance up and switched into Tenta, I thought Shinji could take a hit so I switched him in and he got one shot by a crit hydro pump T.T honestly was pretty butthurt after that since he had been my ace all game but alas
I had Toji finish him off with psychic and calm mind and Armisael took care of the rest of his team but Akagi had to be sacrificed to Milotic so I could heal for a turn but i'm finally done with Hoenn and only have 2 more gen 3 games!!
Started LeafGreen after finishing the new template and picked Charmander as my starter just got out of Viridian forest and also
this is my first time playing FRLG so i'm not too bummed playing through Kanto for the 9481034 time.Gonna try and power through these last two gba games while its still summer so I can get to the DS era.