Tragedy strikes the Eeveelocke! Boris, the World's Fastest Graveler, met his untimely demise at the brunt end of an Ace Trainer's Magneton. I predicted it would fire off a Thunderbolt but I ended up switching poor Boris into a Flash Cannon instead. It's entirely my fault because I noticed the opponent's levels steadily climbing but kept pressing forward without grinding. He was my MVP so this was a real kick in the dick, but I think it might have been for the best. The new teammate Nibbles is fucking godly as Nidos tend to be, and my rule of only boosting their worst stats works out wonderfully here because Nidoqueen's worst stat is SpAtk by virtue of being 1 point lower than its Speed. In grinding her up I ended up catching and candifying a bunch of Graveler, which gave me a shitton of Tough Candy for Perry, so now I'm the proud owner of the World's Tankiest Golduck.
My autism compelled me to do both the boardwalk route and the no-longer-Cycling Road route, so I ended up overleveled for Koga. I got Nugget poisoned and was completely ready to do a Facade sweep, but his Weezing went boom and nearly killed Nugget so I ended up switching her out the rest of the fight. I also nearly lost Patty to a Gym Trainer because I'm a retard who forgot she's a fucking Fairy and has no business in a Poison Gym, but she'll get her time to shine against Sabrina.
>>46518934Yeah I have Starter Death clause but I somehow forgot to mention it earlier.