"Welcome to Giveaway General /gg/, the place to host giveaways".
Hi guys, I'm gonna be your host today, this is day 1 of my long ghost pokémon giveaway.
All september, every one of them (fully evolved, naturally).
Gourgeist and Trevenant are Halloween exclusives.>B-but it's not your thread anon-sama! It's Giveaway General you baka, holy shit! desu desu~How about we do it this way? With a host, a new one each time, who start the thread with a legit giveaway.
Don't forget the tripcode!So let's get to business, the first one is Dream radar Giratina:
Nickname: N/A.
Level: 100.
Holding item: N/A.
Poké ball: Dream ball.
Nature: Jolly.
Ability: Telepathy.
Shiny: No.
Gender: Cis.
:^)Happiness: 255.
>Shadow Force.>Outrage.>Iron Tail.>Telekinesis. IVS: Hexaperfect.
Ev: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP.
OT name: Angel.
OT ID: 03060.
How many OP? Well, as a host, UNTIL THE THREAD DIES.
Put a female Scatterbug up on GTS with the message: "/vp/ Lucifer" and that's it.
Tomorrow I'll just post in the next /gg/ thread the next pokémon and so on, hoping someone will get the spirit.
>READ DA RULES: http://pastebin.com/6C0uxC4r