Quoted By:
>Breeding Swinubs for a battle spot team, since he's the only mon I ever actually liked in Johto
>Grab the 4EMs and Hidden Ability and start chucking out eggs, first one I hatch is decent so I start to train it up and plan to bottle cap it to save time on breeding
>Place the rest of the eggs in Poké Pelago to hatch later while I train so I can WT them away
>Hours later they're ready to hatch
>Bro walks in and hears the egg hatching sound, asks to see
>Happily pass him the 3DS to show him as the last egg hatches
>"Hey was Swinub always blue? I could'a sworn he wasn't."
>Get up to look at the Swinub, and it hatched Shiny
>I got a Shiny Swinub within literally 5 fucking eggs without even trying too and me and my bro high-five each other
>tfw half of it's IVs are 0
The whole Sword and Shield mess has made me a bit upset with Pokemon at the moment but since I've just had this remarkable stroke of luck I've decided to reset my Sun game and go on a Nuzlocke run with him as my "starter" to have some fun with it this time around (and deleting all his super powerful moves to make it fair so he can't just coast through the game). I’m going to do a run with some special rules to emphasize this. Hopefully it all goes well!
Wait I hear someone at the door let me go answer tha